M. Faruque Hussain, V. Vanthangliana, M.E.A. Mondal, Geochemical Constraints on the Petrogenesis of theMetasedimentary Rocks Forming the Basement of the Shillong Plateau, Northeast India, Precambrian Crustal Evolution of India: Geological and Geodynamic Perspective, First Edition, , Estado: Aceptado para publicación, India, marzo de 2017
Madhavaraju, J., Noriega-Montoya, D.G., Ramirez-Montoya, E., González-León, C.M., Armstrong-Altrin, J.S., , Provenance and tectonic setting of sandstones of Lomas Coloradas Formation, Cabullona Group, Sonora, Mexico: Constraints on petrography and geochemistry. , Journal of Palaeogeography, octubre de 2024; 13(4), 839-861
Ramos-Vázquez, M.A., Armstrong-Altrin, J.S., Verma, S.K., Madhavaraju, J., Arthur-James, R. , Sediment composition and U-Pb ages of detrital zircons in the Salina Cruz and Puerto Ángel beaches along the Gulf of Tehuantepec, Mexican Pacific. Geological Journal, 59, 2897–2917. , Geological Journal, octubre de 2024; 59(10), 2897-2917
Ramos-Vázquez, M.A., Armstrong-Altrin, J.S., Fernández-Guevara, G.D., Madhavaraju, J., Verma, S.K., Arthur-James, R., , Provenance of sediments and environmental risk assesment of heavy metas in the “Mis Amores” beaches, Veracruz, Gulf of Mexico, Mexico. , Journal of Indian Association of Sedimentologists, junio de 2024; 41(1), 55-67
Scott, R.W., González-León, C.M., Lawton, T.F., Madhavaraju, J., Saucedo-Samaniego, J.C., Sierra Rojas, J.M.I., 2024. , Aptian-Albian sequence stratigraphy, biostratigraphy, chemostratigraphy, and chronostratigraphy: Sonoran shelf and Tamaulipas Basin, Mexico., Cretaceous Research, marzo de 2024; 155, 105776 online
Ramos-Vázquez, M.A., Verma, S.K., Armstrong-Altrin, J.S., Arthur-James, R., Madhavaraju, J., , Characterization of microplastics in marine sediments from the Gulf of Tehuantepec, Mexican Pacific. , Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences, febrero de 2024; 19(2), 255-264
Armstrong-Altrin, J.S.. Balaram, V., Ramos-Vázquez, M.A., Madhavaraju, J., Verma, S.K., Arthur-James, R., , Microtextures and trapped diatoms on quartz grain surfaces in the Acapulco Beach, Mexican Pacific: An insight into Palaeoenvironment., Journal of Indian Association of Sedimentologists, diciembre de 2023; 40(2), 49-56
Monreal, R., Chavez-Meraz, D., Madhavaraju, J., Cuen-Romero, F.J., Espinoza-Maldonado, I.G., , Depositional environments and transgression-regression cycles in the Mural Limestone, Central Sonora, Mexico., Journal of south American Earth Sciences, diciembre de 2022; 120, 104086
Armstrong-Altrin, J.S., Ramos-Vázquez, M.A., Madhavaraju, J., Marca-Castillo, M.E., Machain-Castillo, M.L., , Geochemistry of marine sediments adjacent to the Los Tuxtlas Volcanic Complex, Gulf of Mexico: Constraints on weathering and provenance. , Applied Geochemistry, junio de 2022; 141, 105321
Madhavaraju, J., Armstrong-Altrin, J.S., Selvaraj, K., Arthur James, R., , Microtextures on quartz grains from the Gulf of Mexico and the Mexican Pacific coastal sediments: implications for sedimentary processes and depositional environment. , Journal of Palaeogeography, abril de 2022; 11(2), 256-274.
Armstrong-Altrin, J.S., Ramos-Vázquez, M.A., Nadia-Yutzi, H.R., Madhavaraju, J.,, Reply to the comments by Ramírez-Fernández et al. (DOI: 10.1002/gj.4266) on paper “Microtexture and U–Pb geochronology of detrital zircon grains in the Chachalacas beach, Veracruz State, Gulf of Mexico” by Armstrong-Altrinet al. (2021)., Geological Journal, marzo de 2022; 57(1346), 1348
Armstrong-Altrin, J.S., Madhavaraju, J., Vega-Bautista, F., Ramos-Vázquez, M.A., Pérez-Alvarado, B.Y., Kasper-Zubillaga, J.J., Ekoa Bessa, A.Z., , Mineralogy and geochemistry of Tecolutla and Coatzacoalcos beach sediments, SW Gulf of Mexico, Applied Geochemistry, noviembre de 2021; 134, 105103 online
Madhavaraju, J., Armstrong-Altrin, J.S., Arthur James, R., Hussain, S.M, Palaeoenvironment and provenance signatures inferred from quartz grain surface features: A case study from Huatabampo and Altata beaches, Gulf of California, Mexico, Journal of South American Earth Science, noviembre de 2021; 111, 103441 online
Madhavaraju, J., Scott, R.W., Sial, A.N., Ramirez-Montoya, E, Chemo- and biostratigraphy of the Cretaceous Dalmiapuram Formation, Uttatur Group, Kallakudi II section, Cauvery Basin, South India, Arabian Journal of Geosciences, septiembre de 2021; 14, 1868 online
Saucedo-Samaniego, J.C., Madhavaraju, J., Sial, A.N., Monreal, R., Scott, R.W., Perez-Arvizu, O, Upper Aptian-Lower Albian seawater composition and OAEs: Geochemistry of Agua Salada and Lampazos Formations, Sonora, Mexico. , Journal of South American Earth Sciences, agosto de 2021; 109, 103193. online
Armstrong-Altrin, J.S., Ramos-Vázquez, M.A., Nadia-Yutzi, H.R., Madhavaraju, J., 2021, Microtexture and U-Pb geochronology of detrital zircon grains in the Chachalacas beach, Veracruz State, Gulf of Mexico, Geological Journal, mayo de 2021; 56(5), 2418-2438 online
Madhavaraju, J., Armstrong-Altrin, J.S., Pillai, R.B., Pi-Puig, T, Geochemistry of sands from the Huatabampo and Altata beaches, Gulf of California, Mexico, Geological Journal, mayo de 2021; 56(5), 2398-2418 online
Madhavaraju, J., Scott, R.W., Selvaraj, K., Lee, Y.I., Loser, H, Isotopic chemostratigrphy and biostratigraphy of Lower Cretaceous Alisitos Formation (Punta China section), Baja California, Mexico, Geological Journal, mayo de 2021; 56(5), 2550–2570 online
Ramirez-Montoya, E., Madhavaraju, J., Monreal, R, Geochemistry of the sedimentary rocks from the Antimonio and Rio Asuncion Formations, Sonora, Mexico: Implications for weathering, provenance and chemostratigraphy, Journal of South American Earth Sciences, marzo de 2021; 106 online
Madhavaraju, J., Saucedo-Samaniego, J.C., Lee, Y.I., Scott, R.W., Carlos M. González-León, C.M., Ramirez-Montoya, E., Chemostratigraphy of the Lower Cretaceous Mural Limestone, Rancho Bufalo section, Sonora, Mexico: Implications for OAE 1b., Marine and Petroleum Geology, enero de 2021; 123, 104734 online
Madhavaraju, J., Rajendra, S.P., Lee, Y.I., Ramirez-Montoya, E., Ramasamy, S., Lozano-Santacruz, R., 2020. , Mineralogy and geochemistry of clastic sediments of the Terani Formation, Cauvery Basin, southern India: implications for paleoweathering, provenance and tectonic setting., Geosciences Journal, diciembre de 2020; 21, 651-667 online
González-León, C.M., Madhavaraju, J., Ramírez Montoya, E., Solari, L.A., Villanueva-Amadoz, U., Monreal, R., Sánchez Medrano, P.A., 2020, Stratigraphy, detrital zircon geochronology and provenance of the Morita formation (Bisbee Group) in northeastern Sonora, Mexico, Journal of South American Earth Sciences, noviembre de 2020; 103, 102761 online
Parthasarathy, P., Madhavaraju, J., Ramirez-Montoya, E., Ramasamy, S., 2020, , Geochemistry of estuarine sediments from Marakkanam area, Tamil Nadu, India: source area weathering and provenance implications., Arabian Journal of Geosciences, febrero de 2020; 13, 157 online
1. Madhavaraju, J., Saucedo-Samaniego, J.C., Loser, H., Espinoza- Maldonado, I.G., Solari, L., Monreal, R., Grijalva-Noriega, F.J., Jaques-Ayala, C., , Detrital zircon record of Mesozoic volcanic arcs in the Lower Cretaceous Mural Limestone, Northwestern Mexico., Geological Journal, julio de 2019; 54(2), 2621-2645
Galindo-Ruiz, J., Madhavaraju, J., Grijalva-Noriega, F.J., Monreal, R., Espinoza-Maldonado, I.G., 2018. , Geoquimica de rocas siliciclasticas de la Formacion Corral de En medio y Arenisca Camas, cuenca Cabullona, Sonora: paleometeorizacion y procedencia. Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Geologicas, Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Geológicas, julio de 2018; 35(2), 188-202
Ramirez-Montoya, E., Madhavaraju, J., Monreal, R., Gonzalez-Leon, C.M., Grijalva-Noriega, F.J.,Saucedo-Samaniego, J.C., Espinoza-Maldonado, I.G., Meteorizacion y marco tectónico de rocas siliciclasticas de la Formacion Morita, noreste de Sonora, Mexico. Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Geologicas, Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Geológicas, julio de 2018; 35(2), 103-115
Madhavaraju, J., Lee, Y.I., Scott, R.W., Gonzalez-Leon, C.M., Jenkyns, H.C., Saucedo-Samaniego, J.C., Ramasamy, S.,, High-resolution carbonate isotopic study of the Mural Formation (Cerro Pimas) section, Sonora, Mexico: Implications for early Albian oceanic anoxic evernts, Journal of South American Earth Science, marzo de 2018; 82, 329-345
C. M. Gonzalez-Leon, L. A. Solari, J. Madhavaraju, Stratigraphy, geochronology and regional tectonic setting of the Late Cretaceous (ca. 82-70 Ma) Cabullona basin, Sonora, Mexico , Journal of South American Earth Science, diciembre de 2017; 80, 494-511
J. Madhavaraju, S.A. Pacheco-Olivas, C. M. Gonz!alezeLe!on, I. G. Espinoza-Maldonado, P.A. Sanchez-Medrano, U. Villanueva-Amadoz, R. Monreal, T. Pi-Puig, Erik Ramírez-Montoya, F. J. Grijalva-Noriega, Mineralogy and geochemistry of the Lower Cretaceous siliciclastic rocks of the Morita Formation, Sierra San Jos!e section, Sonora, Mexico , Journal of South American Earth Science, julio de 2017
Madhavaraju, J, Loser, H., Scott, R.W., Sandeep S., Sial, A.N., Ramasamy, S., ,, Petrography, geochemistry and stable isotopes of carbonate rocks, Lower Cretaceous Alisitos Formation, Los Torotes section, Baja California, Mexico., Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Geológicas, julio de 2017; 34(2), 63-77
Madhavaraju, J., Tom, M., Lee, Y.I., Balaram, V., Ramasamy, S., Carranza-Edwards, A., Ramachandran, A., , Provenance and tectonic settings of sands from Puerto Peñasco, Desemboque and Bahia Kino beaches, Gulf of California, Sonora, Mexico. , Journal of South American Earth Sciences, noviembre de 2016; 71, 262-275
Madhavaraju, J., Erik Ramírez-Montoya, E., Monreal, R., González–León, C.M., Pi-Puig, T., Espinoza-Maldonado, I.G., Grijalva–Noriega, F.J., 2016. , Paleoclimate, paleoweathering and paleoredox conditions of Lower Cretaceous shales from the Mural Limestone, Tuape section, northern Sonora, Mexico: Constraints from clay mineralogy and geochemistry. , Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Geológicas, marzo de 2016; 33(1), 34-48
Madhavaraju, J., Loser, H., Lee, Y.I., Lozano Santacruz, R., Pi-Puig, T., , Geochemistry of Lower Cretaceous limestones of the Alisitos Formation, Baja California, Mexico: implications for REE source and paleo-redox conditions. , Journal of South American Earth Sciences , marzo de 2016; 66, 149-165
Ramachandran, A., Madhavaraju, J., Ramasamy, S., Lee, Y.I., Rao, S., Chawngthu, D.L., Velmurugan, K., 2016, Geochemistry of Proterozoic clastic rocks of the Kerur Formation of Kaladgi-Badami Basin, North Karnataka, South India: implications for paleoweathering and provenance. , Turkish Journal of Earthsciences, marzo de 2016; 25, 126-144
Madhavaraju, J., Scott, R.W., Lee, Y.I., Bincy K.S., Ramasamy, S., , Facies, biostratigraphy, diagenesis, and depositional environments of Lower Cretaceous strata, Sierra San Jose section, Sonora (Mexico), Carnets de Géologie/Notebooks on Geology, julio de 2015; 15(10), 103-122
Madhavaraju, J., Sial, A.N., Hussain, S.M., Nagarajan, R., Gonzalez-Leon, C.M., Ramasamy, S.,, Petrography and stable isotopic variations in Dalmiapuram Formation of Cauvery Basin, South India: implication on OAE1d, Chinese Journal of Geochemistry, junio de 2015; 34(3), 447-458
Madhavaraju, J., Sial, A.N., Rakhinath, R., Ramasamy, S., Lee, Y.I., Ramachandran, A., Carbon, oxygen and strontium isotopic signatures in Maastrichtian-Danian limestones of the Cauvery Basin, South India., Geosciences Journal, junio de 2015; 19(2), 237-256
Armstrong-Altrin, J.S., Nagarajan, R., Madhavaraju, J., Rosalez-Hoz, L., Yong Il Lee, Balaram, V., Cruz-Martínez, A., Avila-Ramírez, G, Geochemistry of the Jurassic and Upper Cretaceous shales from the Molango Region, Hidalgo, eastern Mexico: Implications for source-area weathering, provenance, and tectonic setting, Comptes Rendus Geoscience, diciembre de 2013; 345, 185-202 online
Madhavaraju, J., Sial, A.N., Gonzalez-Leon, C.M., Nagarajan, R, Carbon and oxygen isotopic variations in early Albian limestone facies of the Mural Formation, Pitaycachi section, northeastern Sonora, Mexico, Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Geológicas, diciembre de 2013; 30(3), 526-539
Madhavaraju, J., Yong IL Lee, Gonzalez-Leon, C.M, Carbon, oxygen and strontium isotopic signatures in Aptian-Albian limestones of the Mural Formation, Cerro Pimas area, northern Sonora, Mexico, Journal of Iberian geology, diciembre de 2013; 39(1), 73-88 online
Madhavaraju, J., González-León, C.M, Depositional conditions and source of rare earth elements in carbonate strata of the Aptian-Albian Mural Formation, Pitaycachi section, northeastern Sonora, Mexico. Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Geologicas, 29, 478-491, Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Geológicas, junio de 2012; 29(2), 478-491
Nagarajan, R., Madhavaraju, J., Armstrong-Altrin, J.S., Nagendra, R., 2011, Geochemistry of Neoproterozoic Limestones of Shahabad Formation, Bhima Basin, Karnataka, Southern India. Geosciences Journal, 15, 9-25, Geosciences Journal, marzo de 2012; 15, 9-25
Armstrong-Altrin, J.S., Madhavaraju, J., Sial, A.N., Kasper-Zubillag, J.J., Nagarajan, R., Flores-Castro, K., 2011, Petrography and stable isotope geochemistry of the Cretaceous El Abra limestones (Actopan), Mexico: Implication on diagenesis. Journal of the Geological Society of India, 77, 349-359, Journal of the Geological Society of India, abril de 2011; 77, 349-359
Madhavaraju, J., Yong Il Lee, Influence of Deccan Volcanism in the sedimentary rocks of Late Maastrichtian-Danian age of Cauvery Basin, Southeastern India: Constraints from Geochemistry., Current Science, febrero de 2010; 98(4), 528-537
Madhavaraju, J., González-León, C.M., Yong Il Lee, Armstrong-Altrin, J.S., Reyes Campero, L.M., 2010, Geochemistry of the Mural Formation (Aptian-Albian) of the Bisbee Group, Northern Sonora, Mexico. Cretaceous Research, 31, 400-414, Cretaceous Research, enero de 2010; 31, 400-414
Madhavaraju, J., García y Barragán, J.C., Hussain, S.M., Mohan, S.P., , Microtextures on quartz grains in the beach sediments of Puerto Peñasco and Bahia Kino, Gulf of California, Sonora, Mexico. , Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Geológicas, agosto de 2009; 26(2), 367-379
Madhavaraju, J., Yong Il Lee., , Geochemistry of the Dalmiapuram Formation of the Uttatur Group (Early Cretaceous), Cauvery Basin, Southeastern India: Implications on Provenance and Paleo-redox conditions. , Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Geológicas, agosto de 2009; 26(2), 380-394.
Nagarajan, R., Sial, A.N., Armstrong-Altrin, J.S., Madhavaraju, J., Nagendra, R, Carbon and oxygen isotope geochemistry of Neoproterozoic limestones of the Shahabad Formation, Bhima Basin, Karnataka, southern India, Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Geológicas, 2008; 25, 225-235
Gladwin Gnana Asir, N., Ramasamy, S., Armstrong-Altrin, J.S., Madhavaraju, J., Stephen Pitchaimani, V, Depositional and diagenetic inferences of a shallow core near Tuticorin Coast, Tamil Nadu, Journal of the Geological Society of India, 2007; 70, 1021-1032
Nagarajan, R., Armstrong-Altrin, J.S., Nagendra, R., Madhavaraju, J., Moutte, J, 2007. Petrography and Geochemistry of Terrigenous Sedimentary Rocks in the Neoproterozoic Rabanpalli Formation, Bhima Basin, Southern India: Implications for paleoweathering condition, provenance, and source rock composition, Journal of the Geological Society of India, 2007; 70, 297-312
Nagarajan, R., Madhavaraju, J., Armstrong-Altrin, J.S., Nagendra, R., Moutte, J, Geochemistry of Neoproterozoic shales of Rabanpalli Formation, Bhima Basin, Northern Karnataka, Southern India: Implications for provenance and paleoredox conditions, Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Geológicas, 2007; 24, 150-160
Ramasamy, S., Thingujam Shantikumar Singh, Madhavaraju, J. and Gladwin Gnana Asir, Petrography and Geochemistry of Pre-Ariyalur sequence in Perambalur District, Tamil Nadu – Implications on Depositional Environment and Palaeoclimate, Journal of the Geological Society of India, 2007; 69, 121-132
Madhavaraju, J., Hussain, S.M., Guruvappan, M., Ramasamy, S., Mohan, S.P.,, Sequence stratigraphy of lower Niniyur Formation of Cauvery Basin, Southeastern India. , Journal of the Geological Society of India, 2006; 68, 685-694
Madhavaraju, J., Yong Il Lee, Armstrong-Altrin, J.S. and Hussain, S.M, Microtextures on detrital quartz grains of upper Maastrichtian-Danian rocks of the Cauvery Basin, Southeastern India: Implications for provenance and depositional environments, Geosciences Journal, 2006; 10, 23-34
Armstrong-Altrin, J.S., Madhavaraju, J., Ramasamy, S. and Gladwin Gnana Asir, N, 2005. Provenance and depositional history of sandstones from the upper Miocene Kudankulam Formation, Tamil Nadu, Journal of the Geological Society of India, 2005; 66, 59-65
Madhavaraju, J., Kolosov, I., Bhulak, D., Armstrong-Altrin, J.S., Ramasamy, S. and Mohan, S.P, Carbon and oxygen isotopic signatures in Albian-Danian limestones of Cauvery Basin, Southeastern India, Gondwana Research, 2004; 7, 519-529
Madhavaraju, J., Ramasamy, S., Mohan, S.P., Hussain, S.M., Gladwin Gnana Asir, N. and Stephen Pitchaimani, V, Petrography and surface textures on quartz grains of Nimar Sandstone, Bagh Beds, Madhya Pradesh - Implications on Provenance and Depositional Environments, Journal of the Geological Society of India, 2004; 64, 747-762
Armstrong-Altrin, J.S., Surendra P. Verma, Madhavaraju, J., Yong Il Lee and Ramasamy, S., , Geochemistry of Late Miocene Kudankulam Limestones, South India. , International Geology Review, 2003; 45, 16-26
Madhavaraju, J., Hansen, H.J., Ramasamy, S., Mohan, S.P., , Magnetic usceptibility study of Late Maastrichtian sediments (Kallamedu Formation) of Ariyalur Group of Tiruchirapalli Cretaceous, Tamil Nadu. , Journal of the Geological Society of India, 2003; 61, 699-702
Madhavaraju, J., Ramasamy, S., , Petrography and geochemistry of Late Maastrichtian - Early Paleocene sediments of Tiruchirapalli Cretaceous, Tamil Nadu - Paleoweathering and provenance implications. , Journal of the Geological Society of India, 2002; 59, 133-142
Madhavaraju, J., Ramasamy, S., Alastair Ruffell and Mohan, S.P., , 2002. Clay mineralogy of the Late Cretaceous and Early Tertiary successions of the Cauvery Basin (southeastern India): Implication for sediment source and Palaeoclimates at the K/T boundary. , Cretaceous Research, 2002; 23, 153-163
Madhavaraju, J., Ramasamy, S., Mohan, S.P. and Gladwin Gnana Asir, N., , Ooids in Sillakkudi Formation of Ariyalur Group of Tiruchirapalli Cretaceous, Tamil Nadu: Implications for origin and depositional environment. Journal of the Geological Society of India, v.60, pp.317-322., Journal of the Geological Society of India, 2002; 60, 317-322
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